Tuesday, 25 February 2014

A step by step guide to create your own skull face.

Yes, I knew Halloween was over when I created this look (a while back) but I'm Pakistani, we are always late!
Video of final look at the end.

So first you need to create your outline. I used a random image on Google images to help me out.

This step is optional. Add white contacts to make the whole look more realistic. Ignore the redness on my face, it was a struggle to put these contacts on. Also ignore the mess, for everyone who knows me, they know my rooms a tip yard.

Add black to deepen parts of your face. Add cracks and tones to your skull face by blending parts out.

Add white for parts you want to highlight. This would be the teeth and parts of the forehead that you want to be pushed forward. The same concept is used for contouring and highlighting.

Add the white to your face lightly. Ideally you might want to do this first but I'm backward like that.

Add more black to deepen parts of your skull up. This bit was the hardest because sometimes I'm a perfectionist.

Remember to blend! Blend is your friend!!

Outline your teeth and after blend the outside of the outline which I haven't done in this photo.

Your final look should look something like this :)

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